Driftwood Beach at Big Talbot Island

This Jaxploration is for the 'gram. Driftwood Beach at Big Talbot Island State Park is one of the coolest and most beautiful places to visit. If you're looking to head out to this place, be sure to prepare to explore and possibly get lost on a trail to find your way out to the beach. It is part of Big Talbot Island State Park, but you'll actually go past their main entrance to get to where the trail you need is located. If all else fails, you can ask a park ranger at Big Talbot for directions - I've had to do this a few times. When you do park, there is a $3 parking fee that works based on the honor system - there is a stand with envelopes and a deposit slot for you to deposit your money. There is also a map located by where you park, so you can make sure you're taking the right trail. The trail isn't too long of a hike, but you'll want to be prepared for a 10-15 minute walk. Once you come to the end of the trail, there will be a drop-off - it's not too far, only about 4 feet to get to the actual beach - you can either jump or kind of slide down the sand.

Once you're at the beach you can start to explore. There are tons of trees to climb on and explore, and they make for excellent photography spots. There are also rocks you can climb and overlook the water. You will want to make sure that you leave the beach before high tide, because when the water starts to come in it gets very close to the drop-down you have to climb back up to the main trail. Driftwood beach is one of my absolute favorite places in Jacksonville and the perfect spot to visit if you enjoy exploring. 


  1. Most definitely check your tide times!! I know of some who did not and had to be "rescued" by park rangers!


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